Visual Arts in
Act II

The mini-MD features artworks from all ages and cultures
in which the visual images complement, highlight, and elaborate
some of the core concepts covered in the program. 


How Looking at paintings became a required course in medical school

Bing AI / ChatGPT Brain in the manner of René Magritte

Santiago Ramón y Cajal Cortical Layers

Leonardo da Vinci Cerebral Ventricles

Bing AI / ChatGPT Brain in the manner of Henri Matisse

Leonardo da Vinci Anatomy of the Neck

Anonymous Sphinxes at Assos

Bing AI / ChatGPT Brain in the manner of Mary Cassatt

Mehmet Berkmen and Maria Peñil Cell to Cell

Nicolas Poussin The Plague at Ashdod

Edvard Munch The Sick Child

John Raphael Smith Edward Jenner

Abu al-Qasim al-Na’ini al-Isfahani Risala-yi Hummiyat

Tilman Riemenschneider Saints Christopher, Eustace, and Erasmus

Enrique Simonet Lombardo Anatomy of the heart; And she had a heart!; Autopsy

John Singer Sargent Gassed

Francisco Goya Self-portrait with Dr Arrieta

Bing AI / ChatGPT Brain in the manner of Gustav Klimt

Dioscorides Physician Preparing an Elixir