Videos (29 videos – 8h56m)
Session 3 (4:22) continued
Microbiology & Immunology
7. Neuroscience (1:46)
3-07-01 Outline + Fundamentals - Organization & Dualities (16:53)
3-07-02 Fundamentals - Development of the Nervous System (13:53)
3-07-03 Fundamentals - Physiology of Nerve Cells (12:55)
3-07-04 Peripheral Nervous System & Spinal Cord (11:04)
3-07-05 Brain Stem & Cerebellum (14:39)
3-07-07 Neurologic Examination & Coda (20:20)
8. Microbiology & Immunology (1:30)
3-08-01 Outline + Humans & Pathogens (10:22)
3-08-04 Immunology I - Basic Principles & Humoral Immunity (18:23)
3-08-05 Immunology II - Cell Mediated Immunity Inflammation & Rheumatologic Diseases (28:05)
Session 4 (4:34)
Epidemiology & Public Health
Act II Coda
9. Pathology (1:42)
4-09-01 Outline + Introduction (26:40)
4-09-02 Cell Adaptation Injury & Death (12:32)
4-09-03 Agents of Injury (23:46)
4-09-04 General Pathology I - Inflammation & Repair (16:38)
4-09-05 General Pathology II - Neoplasia & Degeneration (23:21)
10. Pharmacology (1:43)
4-10-01 Outline + Basic Principles (24:54)
4-10-02 Drug Classification (07:02)
4-10-03 Mechanisms & Modes of Action (26:32)
4-10-04 Drug & Device Approval (10:21)
4-10-05 Advances in Pharmacology (07:57)
11. Epidemiology & Public Health (1:07)
4-11-01 Outline + General Practice (27:08)
4-11-02 General Epidemiology (26:38)
4-11-03 Infectious Disease (23:32)
4-11-05 Heart Disease & HDL (02:55)