Session 1
Introduction to Medicine
Embryology & Principles of Anatomy
1. Introduction to Medicine (2:35)
1-01-01 What is Medicine (27:31)
1-01-02 Medical Ethics (18:33)
1-01-03 Health Systems (13:00)
1-01-05 Intro to the Patient I - The History (23:19)
1-01-06 Intro to the Patient II - The Physical Exam (19:43)
1-01-07 Intro to the Patient III - Principles of Diagnosis (34:05)
2. Embryology & Principles of Anatomy (0:40)
1-02-01 Outline + Basic Embryology & Development (22:02)
1-02-02 Principles of Anatomy (18:40)
1. Introduction to Medicine
I-i-05 Introduction to the Patient I - History
I-i-06 Introduction to the Patient II - Physical Exam
I-i-07 Introduction to the Patient III - Diagnosis
2. Embryology & Principles of Anatomy
I-ii-01 Outline + Basic Embryology & Development
Session 2
Anatomy - Cells, Tissues & Organs
General Physiology
Systems Physiology
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
3. Anatomy - Cells Tissues & Organs
I-iii-01 Outline + Histology I - Cells & Tissues - Fundamentals
I-iii-02 Histology II - Four Basic Tissue Types - Ectoderm & Endoderm
I-iii-03 Histology III - Four Basic Tissue Types - Mesoderm
I-iii-04 Anatomic Systems I - Cardiovascular System
I-iii-05 Anatomic Systems II - Digestive & Renal Systems
I-iii-06 Anatomic Differential Diagnosis
4. General Physiology
I-iv-01 Outline + Fundamentals
I-iv-02 Molecular + Cellular Physiology
5. Systems Physiology
I-v-01 Outline + Cardiovascular Physiology
6. Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
I-vi-01 Outline + Molecules - Fundamentals
I-vi-02 Molecules - Carbohydrates
I-vi-05 Molecules - Nucleic Acids
Session 3
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry (continued)
Act I Coda
6. Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
I-vi-07 Molecular Biology - Gene Expression
I-vi-08 Molecular Biology - Transcription & Translation
I-vi-09 Molecular Biology - Genetics
I-vi-10 Biochemistry - Principles of Metabolism
I-vi-11 Biochemistry - Cellular Respiration